Thursday, June 12, 2008

Done and Done

Not only is this class over with (sadly), but so is college (even more sadly).  I do have to say, though, that unfortunately one of the things I'll remember most from the class is the only real bad thing from it... and that's this quote from Brant which can be found in his guide on making independent films in the book "Putting the Pieces Together: The Graffiti Model for Indie Filmmaking."  Brant says "don't move to LA and try to 'work your way up' (i.e. working crap jobs on crap movies for crap pay, hoping to get promoted to be First Assistant Nobody one day).  And please don't go to film school.  Save the money and make a movie instead."
Wow.  While it may be too late to ditch out on film school (I'm graduating in two days), it does scare me what he says about LA.  I've been planning on doing what Brant describes exactly, and I thought I was super lucky to have a chance to get one of those entry level jobs.  It's just so damn disheartening to hear that... I don't know.  It does feel like the right thing to be doing right now... I mean, would it be really so bad to have a paid job, while getting real-world experience in the field you want to pursue?  
I think while Brant's words may not have totally discouraged me from making the move, they did encourage me to, no matter how busy I may be, keep working on my own artistic chops; whether that involves writing a script, editing my own projects, playing a large role in a friend's film, whatever.  Just as long as I don't get bogged down.  So, yeah, I guess his words of wisdom did have a positive effect, albeit not the intended one.  

Thanks! Thank you both for sharing your experience and knowledge, it is very much appreciated.